corazon_chocolate, the online singles dating site that holds the Guinness World Record for the largest number of users in the world, including 800,000 users in Spain, is celebrating Valentine’s Dayby winning its second Guinness Record for the creation of the world’s heaviest chocolate construction: a seven ton heart. The 5 meter wide by 4 meter high by 0.7 meter thick heart was created by the Spanish PR & marketing agency MARCO de Comunicación and dedicated by Rocío Madrid.

The heart is located on the patio of the Hard Rock Café at El Paseo de la Castellana 2, on the corner of Plaza Colón. The heart will remain on display from Friday, February 13th until next Thursday, February 19th. Afterwards it will be divided up among NGOs, the Food Bank, and the social welfare organization Solidarios para el Desarrollo to be distributed to homeless people and other disadvantaged groups. The construction of the enormous chocolate heart took a 10-person team led by the famous Catalan confectioner Luis Morera 5 days to complete.




El reboster i artista Lluís Morera ha reproduït a escala i amb xocolata blanca com a matèria
primera, tots els detalls arquitectònics del Museu de les Ciències Príncep Felip. Una atractiva i
dolça curiositat digna del Guinness.
Xocolates Valor, empresa llargament centenària, té una galeria d'art a la Vila Joiosa (Alacant)
en la qual exposa diverses escultures de xocolata realitzades per l'artista Xul Xiu o el reboster
Lluís Morera.
Set obres s'exposen en aquest nou espai ubicat a la fàbrica de l'empresa a la Vila Joiosa, una
fàbrica que recentment van visitar els Prínceps d'Astúries. Durant la seva visita a la Vila. Joiosa,
Don Felipe i Letizia van inaugurar l'esmentada galeria. De les set espectaculars obres, quatre
pertanyen a Xul Xiu, artista d'origen asiàtic, i tres a Lluís Morera.
Llegir més ........
Del reboster i artista Lluís Morera crida poderosament l'atenció l'obra El Museu de les Ciències
Príncep Felip, realitzada en col·laboració amb Luis Costa, que recrea a escala el famós edifici
museístic de Santiago Calatrava en una magnífica escultura de xocolata.
Font: Les
Using white chocolate as a medium, confectioner and artist Luis Morera made a scale model of the Prince Felipe Science Museum accurate in every architectural detail. An attractive and sweet curiosity worthy of  Guinness.

Chocolates Valor, a company with over a century of tradition, has an art gallery in Villajoyosa (Alicante) in which it exhibits various chocolate sculptures made by the artist Xul Xiu or by the confectioner Luis Morera.
Seven creations are on display in this new space located in the company factory in Villajoyosa, a factory that the Prince and Princess of Asturias recently visited. During their visit to Villajoyosa, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia presided at the dedication ceremony of this gallery. Four of the seven spectacular artworks were created by Asian artist Xul Xiu; the other three by Luis Morera.




Chocolat Factory is sweeping across the market. Ever since Michel Laline made his debut in the
world of cocoa and started his own chocolate factory, his business has never ceased growing
and winning awards. The most recent OPENINGS have been in Valencia, Toledo, Girona, and
Palma de Mallorca.
Like movie director Tim Burton, who resuscitated that classic of children’s literature Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory from the imagination of writer Roald Dahl and turned it into a box
office hit, Michel Laline has transformed the dream of Burton and Dahl into reality. A Belgian
by birth, the master chocolate maker has made Barcelona his home for the past 25 years.
Chocolat Factory is presently one of the largest factories dedicated exclusively to creating and
producing diverse products made of chocolate. This factory now bakes 340 kilos of chocolate
products a year.
Luis Morera, Uño, and Morato, his mentors
Although Laline’s original vocations were architecture and design, one day this Belgian
artist decided to take a 180 degree turn in his life: he abandoned his studies, took a one
year sabbatical, and decided that chocolate was “his thing”. Laline thus decided to learn the
technique from the greatest chocolate masters in the world: Luis Morera, Claudio Uño, and
Ramón Morato.
Read more ......
Prince of Asturias Award
This ability to create combined with the finest cocoa beans in the world (from Java, Venezuela,
Ghana, Papua, New Guinea, Grenada, and Sao Thomé) has earned the brand numerous
national and international awards. The most recent accolade was the Prince of Asturias Award
for Business Excellence in the field of design, which Chocolat Factory received last December
Source: abc

Chocolat Factory is sweeping across the market. Ever since Michel Laline made his debut in the world of cocoa and started his own chocolate factory, his business has never ceased growing and winning awards. The most recent OPENINGS have been in Valencia, Toledo, Girona, and Palma de Mallorca.


Like movie director Tim Burton, who resuscitated that classic of children’s literature Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from the imagination of writer Roald Dahl and turned it into a box  office hit, Michel Laline has transformed the dream of Burton and Dahl into reality. A Belgian by birth, the master chocolate maker has made Barcelona his home for the past 25 years.

Chocolat Factory is presently one of the largest factories dedicated exclusively to creating and producing diverse products made of chocolate. This factory now bakes 340 kilos of chocolate products a year.

Luis Morera, Uño, and Morato, his mentors

Although Laline’s original vocations were architecture and design, one day this Belgianartist decided to take a 180 degree turn in his life: he abandoned his studies, took a one year sabbatical, and decided that chocolate was “his thing”. Laline thus decided to learn the technique from the greatest chocolate masters in the world: Luis Morera, Claudio Uño, and Ramón Morato.









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